Log 25: Blast from the past

Today marks the end of my 10th week working at Featherlite. And in all of that time, I have not been able to figure out where I am supposed to park my car in the morning. Let me elaborate. One day, I was working (diligently) on a work order, when Jason approached me. “Can you move your car quick? You're blocking loading dock 4 and a semi is coming in.” Of course, I obliged, and relocated my car out of the way. I made a mental note not to park in front of dock 4 moving forward. In fact, I tried my best to just park right next to others, assuming they would know where they could and could not leave their cars. However, a few days later, Jason came up to me again with the same request. I knew several other people were parked right next to me, so on my way out to the parking lot, I expected to see them also moving their cars. But when I got outside, I was stunned to see that not only was no one else out there, but all the cars that had been near mine were suddenly nowhere to be found. Since then, I’ve been asked to move my car around an estimated 2-3 times per week, despite experimenting with numerous parking locations. I just can't seem to get it right. 

The past few weeks, Preston has been teaching me how to use FedEx and UPS’s software to ship orders out. I quite like the shipping process - there's a sort of satisfaction in weighing packages, printing out shipping labels, sticking them on a box, and sending it out to a customer - ending its time at Featherlite. Okay, all of that was a lie. I like shipping because I get to sit in Preston’s chair while I do it. Still, I’ve definitely learned a lot about how much work it takes to get just one order out the door, let alone dozens every week.


Highlight: Towards the end of my day, I was walking over to fill my water bottle when I heard someone call my name from behind me. “Taylor!” I pulled one headphone out and turned around. “John!” I exclaimed. From Boston! You remember John? The Agrify dealer guy? If you don't, see Log 3. “I see you decided not to go back to school,” he remarked. “Yes sir,” I said, my face splitting into a smile. 


Log 26: Ghost town


Log 24: Skincare