Log 24: Skincare

Whenever I feel a pimple coming on, I put on these clear hydrocolloid patches that are supposed to preemptively get rid of them. A lot of times, I wear them to work to keep dirt from further exacerbating the spot, which usually goes unnoticed because they blend in pretty well with your skin. However, today I happened to be trying out a different brand of patches that were a little more opaque than my usual choice. With one stuck right onto the tip of my nose, and another directly under it, I strode into work.

As I settled in at a work table in the metals area to finish a job I’d started the day before, the first person I encountered was Gary. He greeted me with his usual friendly smile, and said to me with a laugh “Did you have a donut this morning?” Every so often, someone will decide to bring in donuts for all of us. It sounds like today was one of those days! “No, I haven’t had one yet. Where are they?” I asked him. He answered me with another question. “If you didn’t have a donut, then how did you get that stuff on your face?” For a moment I was completely confused. Then it hit me. “Ohhh, these aren’t donut residue, they’re hydrocolloid pimple patches,” I clarified. Gary just looked at me. “It’s for acne, like when you feel like a pimple is gonna pop up on your face, you put them on,” I continued. This time, Gary chuckled. “Things only a twenty-year-old would do.”


After Gary left the table, he was replaced by Baker. “I see you had one of the donuts,” he laughed. I looked up. Seriously? How does this look like donut powder? “Nope, they’re acne patches for pimples, not donut powder,” I corrected him. “Huh,” he said. “I just pop mine.” 

After I finished the task I was working on, I approached Mike to see what was next for me. He led me over to a cart with stacks of pipes that needed to be cleaned and labled. I was about to pull the cart over to my table and start working, when Mike stopped me. “Oh, and by the way, I think you got a little something on your face from the donuts,” he said earnestly. This time I laughed, and explained for the third time what exactly was on my face. 

Highlight: Later, when I mentioned to Gary how many people had mistaken my patches for the result of messy donut eating, he shrugged. “Hey, at least you got people who would tell you instead of just letting you walk around with donut all over your face!”


Log 25: Blast from the past


Log 23: Nuts n’ Bolts