Log 29: Reassignment

For the first time in four months, when I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, I wasn't going to Featherlite. Instead, I drove to the second storage facility the company has, which I visited once with Mary a while back.

Yesterday, during break time, I walked into the break room to grab my lunch, and was surprised to see Graeme, Preston, Mary, Aaron, and Tod there holding a meeting. Weird that I wasn't invited, considering I’m a member of the administration. When I walked in, I heard my name, and realized they were discussing something that had to do with me - perhaps my high performance, or excellent taking of inventory. 

As it turns out, it was not either of those things. The group had decided that it would be useful for me to spend some time at the second building, helping Aaron and Mary get everything over there properly organized. I can't provide a more detailed explanation of the operations of the place, because I don't really understand them myself. When I got there bright and early, my first task was to set up an existing customer’s exhibit, to quality check it and correct packing errors.

Now, I’m sure you've been wondering - exactly how long, on average, would it take for a twenty year old girl with very little experience to set up one of these exhibits all by herself? And at long last, we have an answer: all damn day. Seriously, all I did the entire day was set up and take down one exhibit. Actually, when the day ended, I still had one last frame to disassemble. For reference, I would estimate Preston completes this process with 5 or 6 exhibits per day - maybe more.


Log 30: WWOOF!


Log 28: Inventory