Log 40: New Digs New Gigs
Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the newest crew member at Taco Bell's Lahaina, Maui location! Maybe. I interviewed with them today and they said I could start immediately. It was a bit of a relief - being rejected from a Taco Bell that made it known they were "urgently hiring" would be a tough one to recover from. The only bad news is that they only pay $11 an hour, which would barely cover my Hostel expenses.
So, I'm still looking for other options. I have three interviews tomorrow: one at the ABC Store, one at an ice cream shop called Banyan Treats, and one at a shave ice shop called Ululani's - all three would be a more convenient commute. But if I don't get hired at any of those places, it's Taco Bell all the way.
I've also confirmed my stay at the Hakuna Matata hostel from now until March 26th. I'll have to move around to different dorms a few times during my stay, but considering how booked up everything seems to be on Maui, it feels like a blessing to have gotten a reservation at all. The hostel is quite nice - not as nice as the private room I was in before - but pretty close. The people are friendly, there's a good amount of food provided, and the hostel provides surfboards, bikes, snorkeling gear, and swim shoes. It's a pretty good setup. Also, its primarily a women’s hostel (which I didn’t know was a thing) and it’s incredibly clean. You can decide for yourself if there’s any correlation between those two statements.
While Christine and I were staying in the house with the private rooms (part of Hakuna Matata), a group of young men checked in next door. Shortly after I started noticing the showers full of sand and miscellaneous toiletries left in the bathroom, the group was kicked out by the owner. They don’t play around here.
But yeah, things are falling into place a little bit. Christine headed to the airport this morning. I was very sad to see her go. I’ll miss everyone we encounter assuming I’m her biracial child. It's a bit strange to go on with my time here without her or Anastasia; they've been such a huge part of my experience thus far. That said, Anastasia and I are hoping that we can coordinate a meeting in Pa'ia sometime - me navigating the public transit system and her negotiating for a ride from Erica.
Highlight: On her last full day here, Christine and I visited the Iao (EEE-yao) Valley. It’s main attraction is a beautiful spring with lots of little pools perfect for swimming. It’s probably the only truly cold natural body of water in the state. It’s also surrounded by the mountains where they filmed Jurassic park! I’ll miss you Christine!!