Log 65: Upgrades and Downfalls
I just had a pretty embarrassing spill. I came home from work to the hostel and, as per usual, walked right over to the fridge to get a snack. As bad luck would have it, people staying at the hostel tend to store a lot of food above the fridge. As I opened the door, a half gallon bottle of olive oil fell from above. The bottle hit the fridge door on the way down, which popped the cap right off of it, allowing olive oil to spill all over the floor and every crevice of the fridge. Mind you, I’m trying (and failing) to catch the bottle, so the olive oil is also going all over my arms, legs, clothing, and face.
By the time I managed to pick the bottle up, it was nearly empty, and the damage was done. I turned around, bottle in hand, to a group of silent onlookers. I always get home from work at a prime dinner hour at the hostel, so nearly every guest was present to witness my fumble. “Everyone okay?” I said jokingly to break the silence. A couple people laughed. I laughed, too. Then, I remembered. Oh right, olive oil all over the place. Clean it up. I sprung into action, rushing towards the paper towel roll on the kitchen counter. The steps I took were confident, for someone walking through a pool of olive oil on hardwood floors, wearing crocs. The instant I started moving, I slipped and fell gracelessly to the ground. Then, pretty much everyone laughed.
After a shower, I settled down to get to work. Because of my big promotion, my managers at work recently asked that I take Hawaii’s food handler course, to receive a certification that allows me to be the team lead (in charge, but not the manager) at Hyatt. I passed the test on my first attempt and received my certification in the mail a few days later.
Highlight: I upgraded my moped! I met a mechanic named Mark who helped me install a metal rack on the back of the bike and secure a milk crate to it. This gives me some much needed additional storage for transporting groceries and my work bag.