Log 59: Not So Fast

The summer of 2021, my older sister and I started considering the idea of running a half marathon together. I would say that my sister is a rather advanced runner. I would say that I had a lot of training ahead of me to get to a point where I was able to run thirteen miles. As the year went on and 2022 began, this shared goal became a real resolution for me. By early February, my sister and I had selected a half marathon taking place on June 26, 2022 in our hometown - Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Plans have changed a lot since then. Originally, I was supposed to be in Maui for five weeks, have a wonderful time on a honey farm, and come home. I would return with exactly thirteen weeks to train for race day. This Saturday will mark my 8th week in Hawaii, and I now intend to stay in Lahaina for the remainder of my college gap year.

When I made this decision, I called my sister and broke the news that I wouldn't be able to make it to the half marathon. She said it was no big deal, and we resolved to choose another race in the fall. Secretly, a part of me felt freed from the burden of enduring running thirteen uninterrupted miles in the summer heat. I stopped training. I stopped thinking about marathons altogether. 

Then, a few weeks later, I noticed a little sign as I walked down Front St. "Maui Marathon and Half Marathon, April 24th!" it read. I stood and stared at the flier for a few minutes, brows furrowed, lips pursed. Then, I sighed. I guess the universe didn't want to let me out of this thing so easily. I called my sister again, and told her the half marathon was back on. She could run in Minnesota in June, and I would run in Hawaii in April. I started training again the next day. 

So here I am, ten weeks ahead of schedule, four thousand miles away from home, running a half marathon after all.

Highlight: A few days ago, I went on a 10 mile run down the beach. Afterwards, I showered, went to work, rode my moped home, and sat down for dinner. When I got back up, my knees felt sore - I could barely put weight on them. I figured they were just stiff, and went to bed. The next morning, I confirmed that I was not stiff, and had in fact pulled both my IT bands on the outsides of my knees. I couldn’t walk, and had to take the day off work. 

Thankfully, my knees improved rapidly from there. I have no pain in them anymore, and have been slowly easing myself back into running.


Log 60: Real Conversations


Log 58: Four Seasons Sensei Lanai