Log 22: A Pleasant Surprise

Today, I am victorious. 

I continued slowly making my way through various work orders throughout the first half of the day. First, I assembled a few countertops, which was meant to take 10 minutes, but took me a solid hour. Next, I put together little care packages for customers with gloves, wet wipes, and assembly instructions. It took me an hour and forty-eight minutes. When I discovered that task had a run time of just one minute, I knew something had to be seriously wrong. 

As it turns out, there are two job timers on the computer for each work order. One is for the estimated time needed to complete the job. The other is an estimate for the set up time needed for the job. On the one-minute job I had just completed, I was now able to see that the run time was two and a half hours. A smile crept across my face - I had time to spare. So the good news is, because I spent the past week pushing myself to the absolute limit in order to complete work orders in ridiculously small spaces of time, I now consistently complete jobs well under the given time estimate. 

Highlight: The rest of my day was spent in the metal room working on a new machine. It’s a giant drill that uses a computer program to drill equally spaced holes into aluminum pipes. I would tell you the actual name of the machine, but I have no idea what it is. 

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Log 23: Nuts n’ Bolts


Log 21: Job #3672