Log 20: Mike, Mike, and Mike

There’s another new guy in the office - this time working in the saw room. Mike has years of previous experience as a cabinet maker, and will be taking over a lot of Chris’s saw room duties. Now, you might be thinking, wasn’t there already a new guy named Mike? And the answer is yes, there was. But that was Mike Baker. He goes by Baker instead of Mike to avoid being confused with the other Mike. And when I say “the other Mike,” I don’t mean the new guy, I mean Mike who’s in charge of the metals area. See? Not confusing. That being said, this new Mike has decided to go by Mick, so as not to be confused with either of the other two Mikes. The takeaway here is, there’s a lot of men named Mike out there. 

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I spent much of the day working in the saw room with Mike - I mean - Mick; him building and filing cabinets for an exhibit, and me loudly and enthusiastically sawing large chunks of garbage into pieces. When I arrived at work that morning, there was a mountain of what looked like giant toilet paper roll cores strewn across the floor in front of the punch clock. A smile slowly crept across my face. I know a Taylor job when I see one.

I turned around to see Graeme standing behind me. “I’ve got a job for you,” He said. “Does it have something to do with these?” I inquired, gesturing to the rolls. He nodded. What did I tell you?

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Basically, Graeme needed to throw away the tubes, but most of them were far too long to fit in the dumpster, so I needed to cut them into smaller chunks with a saw. I enjoyed the sawing part of this task quite a bit, but didn’t care for actually transfering the unexpectedly heavy tubes into the saw room one by one.

Highlight:  José has started brining Smuckers Uncrustable PB&Js with him to work, and he never fails to share them with me. At this rate, I might be able to stop packing lunch soon.


Log 21: Job #3672


Log 19 (pt.2): Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard