Log 19 (pt.1): Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard
Picture this: you clock into work around 6:50 AM, which is when pretty much everyone at Featherlite arrives. Twenty (or maybe even thirty) minutes later, you see a rather young looking girl stroll into the office, carrying several bags. She sets down her things on one of the work carts and proceeds to apply a generous amount of lotion to her face and arms from a container that you could’ve swore wasn’t sitting there a couple days ago. Upon closer inspection, it looks like the girl’s lips are a hue of… blue? What the hell is that about?
Later in the day, you see her again in the shipping area, wiping down some radiant frames with lacquer. When she brings the bottle to her nose to smell the thinner, you contemplate going over and reminding her that lacquer thinner is a toxic chemical and should not be inhaled for safety reasons, but before you get the chance, she fumbles the bottle and doubles over in pain. You watch as Preston walks her through the process of setting up the exhibit step by step - as if she’s never done it before. Wait, has she never done it before? Who hired this girl?
After lunch, walking past the metals area of the shop, you see the girl again. This time, she’s crawling on the greasy floor amongst bits of plastic and metal shavings, seemingly searching for something. You - along with a few other employees working nearby, watch as the scene unfolds. At one point it looks like a couple guys offer to help her find whatever is missing, but she waves them off. After five or so more minutes of searching, she pops up from the floor triumphantly, holding a single, white earbud, pops it back into her ear, and resumes securing rivets with a delighted look on her face.