Log 14: Miscommunication
Gary, who works in the metal room, has proven to be quite knowledgeable about astrology. He knows he’s a Gemini, understands what it means to be a Gemini, and even noted his belief in the effects different moon phases have on people of various signs. Consider me impressed.
My job in the metal room today was to use the lovely rivet gun to secure little mini donut-looking plastic rings into short metal tubes. I’m sure there’s a more technical way to describe it, but I’m not at that level of language fluency yet. Anyway, after three hours and 320 rivets, I was finally finished with the job, and ready to move on to see if Tom needed my help in the fabric room.
However, Mike intercepted me on my way. I smiled broadly when I saw him, secretly hoping he’d say something like, “Great job with those rivets, Taylor!” Or “Wow, you’re such a natural with the rivet gun!” Instead, he gently told me that all of the tubes needed to be redone, because instead of using two different types of rivets on each, I had only used one. I guess I should have made my lack of rivet knowledge more clear when I had the chance. I spent the remainder of the day re-doing the job.
Highlight: Instead of Cheez-its, today José tossed me a banana nut muffin after I clocked in, and a Crunch bar during the afternoon break time. I’m really liking our rapport.