Log 27: Stars don’t lie
Look up the messiest zodiac signs. Do it right now. I know for a fact that you're not going to find one source that leaves Sagittarius off their list. To be fair, all fire signs tend to be less than tidy, but in my experience, Sagittarius always tends to take things to another level.
Today, at Graeme's request, I took on a project that I've felt calling my name for a few months now. You see, outside of Graeme’s office, there's one main space of the shop that he uses as a set up/test area. If you don't remember, my Uncle happens to be a Sagittarius. And his work area happens to be an absolute mess.
All said and done, it took me five and a half hours to declutter the space. During the organization process, I unearthed ancient, outdated graphics, dozens of miscellaneous pieces of steel extrusion, a TV remote, packaging for an iPhone, and seven dust covered sweatshirts (all of which belong to Graeme).
Highlight: As the day wrapped up, José walked by Graeme’s newly organized workspace. “Looks good, right?” I asked him, quite satisfied with my work. “Yeah. How long do you think it's going to look like that?” He chuckled.