Log 12: Getting in a Groove
“The days are starting to blur together. The language is a pain, but I figure it’s like field-stripping a weapon. Repetition. Repetition. […] My feet are getting tougher. […] I have to trust my body to know what to do. […] It's learn fast or die.”
-Jake Sully (Avatar, 2009)
That's my current headspace at Featherlite. I feel like I’m finally getting into some kind of groove, some kind of routine. My alarm going off at 6:15 every morning is beginning to feel less and less criminal. I know most everyone’s name now, and routinely exchange good mornings when I arrive at work. There are few tasks that I can do now without instruction or supervision. I have no idea what the coming months are going to look like here, but I think I’m going to enjoy myself, and I think I’m going to learn a lot.
I spent the morning back in the metal room screwing together 90 degree corners, and the afternoon in the fabric room using the XY cutter - two jobs that I’ve done before. The day went by fast, between metal working, fabric cutting, podcasting, and listening to music.
I've decided that my next mission will be to remember to bring a container of lotion to work with me next week. I can’t speak for everyone, but with all the grease and dirt, the work day involves me doing a lot of hand washing. And excessive hand washing without lotion isn’t good for anyone’s skin. At first I was just going to bring in a small tube for personal use, but I’ve come to the conclusion that a larger, communal dispenser is an office addition that would benefit everyone in the warehouse - not just me. I’m a team player like that.
Highlight: I have discovered - and am now obsessed with - two new podcasts: Supernatural and RedHanded. Supernatural unpacks stories of paranormal happenings and alleged alien abductions - super fun. RedHanded is a crime podcast that dives into murders around the world while maintaining a confusingly humorous feel. If that didn’t get you interested, here’s the main selling point: the hosts are British!