Log 10: Early Bird Gets the Worm
For the first time since I started, I arrived to work on time, just before 7:00AM. I clocked in and proceeded to peruse the office casually, ready to go to work with Graeme. After a few minutes, I bumped into Jason, who I know as the guy who’s always driving the forklift (jealous), and asked him if he’d seen Graeme around. He hadn’t, and suggested I text him. I took his advice, and got a text from my uncle saying he wouldn’t be in until around 9:30. Well shit, you know what that means. I must’ve asked nearly every person in the office if they needed me to do something. I started with José, and he said, “Go check with Mike.” So I walked down to metals to beg Mike for work. “Hm,” he said, “Why don’t you go check in with Chris first.” And so, I made my way to the saw room to plead my case to Chris. “Check with Preston,” he said. I couldn’t find him. Thankfully as I wandered back into the metal room, Mike ended up needing me to screw together some 90 degree corners, an assignment that fit comfortably into my aforementioned “ideal job” criteria, and took up most of the remainder of the day.
My dad stopped into the office to cut some stuff for a miscellaneous home project just before lunchtime. One way or another, he always seems to come into the office at some point during the day. However, this time he spent the majority of his stay riding around the shop floor on his Ninebot, an electric unicycle that works sort of like a hoverboard and goes about 10mph. He loves that thing. Sometimes he rides it the eleven miles between our house and the office.
Highlight: Listened to a podcast about the kidnapping of Jacob Wetterling and the emergence of the national sex offender registry while I built shelves. Very educational.