Log 1: A Rude Awakening

I woke up at 6:30am this morning for the first time since… well, maybe for the first time ever. Usually, I wake up between 5 and 7 hours after that, so you can imagine it was not a pleasant experience. When I got up, my dad had already packed both of us lunch, so I made myself a quick coffee and we headed to the office. I’m not gonna lie, I felt pretty incompetent right off the bat. I don’t know the names of any of the different machines, I don’t have the training to use power tools, and I have no idea what we are building. I don’t even know anyone’s name. My uncle Graeme will tell me, “Go get Robbie!” and I’ll be like, “On it, boss!” And then I'm like, Wait, who the hell is Robbie?

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It’s almost like everyone here is speaking a different language; a language of routers and sockets, sanders and drill bits. I don’t know if I can do this for 6 months. I hate to admit it, but just being on my feet for 8 hours in a day is taking a toll on me. I don’t know how some of these guys have been doing this every day for decades. I think I’m just more of a “sit down” kind of person.

In fact, as soon as I got to work, I automatically started looking around for a chair. Eventually, I discovered an old, semi-rusted, metal folding chair covered in dust. I was overjoyed. Although I meticulously cleaned the chair with the air gun and a rag, I ended up getting all of 10 minutes to sit in it all day. I don’t know if this is the palce for me. Overall, the day felt really long, and the only part I truly enjoyed was lunch.

Highlight: Lunch.


Log 2: Safety Glasses