Log 38: Good Vibes Only

I'm pretty sure Anastasia is magical. Since I've been here, she and Christine have insisted that there's such a thing as "Maui magic." Considering the overflowing compost toilet, any infestation, and a million other problems within camp, I have been skeptical of the existence of such a magic.

But now I'm not so sure. Christine and Anastasia are both Aquariuses. This is the sign opposite Leo (me) in the zodiac. Among astrology folk, it's thought that your opposite sign is there for you to learn from, and it's presence or appearance in your life signals positive change. People say Aquariuses, consciously or subconsciously, believe in the power of the universe. It's like they can somehow feel a path that's already set out for them in life, so they aren't afraid to take chances, or make choices that may not seem like they have much potential at first glance. 

Anastasia found someone on facebook who gifted her a tent, sleeping bag, and basically all the camping essentials she came here with. She said from the moment I met her that she would be farm manager, and that she didn't need to ask for the position because Erica would offer it to her. And she was right. Every time she cooks something in our mess of a kitchen, no matter how few things we have in stock, she always manages to make something really, really good. 

As I walked down to work the honey stand with her one morning, she said cheerfully, "I'm manifesting that some tourists bring us breakfast!" I laughed. But low and behold, just an hour later, I found her in the snack shack holding two bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches. She said a tour guide just offered them to her along with a couple bottles of water. Next, a tourist from Missouri handed her a loaf of banana bread. Then, towards the end of the day, we ended up chatting for quite a while with a couple visiting from Chicago. Before they left, they brought us a bag of caramels, salt and vinegar chips, and some trail mix from their car. As they walked away, I just looked at Anastasia and shook my head in disbelief. "Maui magic," she shrugged, grinning from ear to ear.

Highlight: I applied to a couple other WWOOF friendly farms around Maui to see if they might have room for me after Christine and I depart from Liberty Vista. I'm manifesting a good response - gimme a little bit of that Maui magic.


Log 39: Going, going, gone


Log 37: Deal or No Deal?